
Clear Your Mind and Eliminate Overwhelm.

This is the Kon Mari method for your brain. Take it all out, see it all together, sort through it, choose what you want and only put back what you will use.

Our mental spaces are in hurricane mode yet our brains cannot process so many scattered thoughts at once.

The more things that are on your mind, the more things are not actually getting done.

When we carry everything in our psyche they all demand equal attention, creating overwhelm, confusion, and conflict. Then we either numb out or get “crazy busy” and blame our stress and problems on lack of time. 

But this isn’t a time management issue, it’s a focus issue.

We need to free up our mental space so we can be fully present with the tasks at hand, thus increasing our productivity, achievement and success.

In this course we will look at everything strategically, learning to prioritize, create a sense of order and map out a plan.

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Workshops for Private Events & Organizations

Live Private Workshops for Organizations and Events are available upon request.  

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