19. Peak States, Ideal AM/PM Routines and Reducing Overwhelm

In this lesson,  we learn how to create the foundations to set ourselves up for progress and positivity while also embracing the word “No”.


1. Create Your Peak State with Ideal AM/PM Routines
Review the 23 power-ups and power-downs to use as potential foundations for your ideal AM & PM routines

Decide which, if any, you will use for your new AM/PM routines

After choosing your power-ups and power-downs, determine: 

  • How much time you each new item will add to your routine
  • Calculate the total time for your complete AM routine and complete PM routine
  • Make any necessary adjustments to your calendar to accommodate the new routines

2. Identify items on your “to do” list to Decline, Delay or Delegate. 
After reaffirming the truth of your limited time, determine any items on your list that need to be declined, delayed or delegated. 
Have the necessary conversations to put these choices in motion. 


3. Practice “Graceful No’s”
Test out your “no” muscle this week in any areas you can that will enable you to protect your vision and goals. 

4. Restrict Access
See if there are any ways you can limit or restrict access to yourself or automate the value you want to give. 

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