Lesson 4: Plotting Your 30 Day Plan

In this lesson, we will put together the next 30 days of your daily tasks, goals, plans and strategy. 
This is NOT about perfection, it’s about seeing the whole picture so you can set realistic expectations for achievement.   
You will be guided step-by-step in a series of very short videos. 
Follow them and write out your calendar in REAL TIME along with the videos.


You really only have ONE TASK this week: to plot out your 30 day calendar.

All of the worksheets listed below are optional. 
They are provided to give you a space to “think” before you finalize  your plan. 

Review the following actions, but remember…
They are all just supporting parts to get you to your 30 day calendar. 

1. If you haven’t already: Create Your Peak State with Ideal AM/PM Routines
Review the 23 power-ups and power-downs to use as potential foundations for your ideal AM & PM routines

Decide which, if any, you will use for your new AM/PM routines

After choosing your power-ups and power-downs, determine: 

  • How much time you each new item will add to your routine
  • Calculate the total time for your complete AM routine and complete PM routine
  • Make any necessary adjustments to your calendar to accommodate the new routines

2. Brainstorm your Next 30 days of Obligations, Have To’s and Commitments
After reaffirming the truth of your limited time, determine any items on your list that need to be declined, delayed or delegated. 
Have the necessary conversations to put these choices in motion. 

3. If you don’t have a work or project schedule, CREATE ONE!
Make decisions on when you will work whether for your business or for projects and tasks you want to accomplish. 
If possible, based this around when you feel most energized and focused for the type of work you need to do. 
I schedule my deep work early in the morning when I’m in “laser mode”. 
Conversely, I lose focus in the afternoon and schedule my tasks and projects that require less thinking and presence at that time. This is when I tend to schedule returning emails and running errands. 

4. Brainstorm Your Personal Goals, Desires & Been Meaning To’s
This is a strong basis to for awareness of your life vision, in this case, use this experience to find where you can add in some of these items into the next 30 days of your calendar plan. 

5. Brainstorm Important Dates
This is a strong basis to for awareness of your life vision, in this case, use this experience to find where you can add in some of these items into the next 30 days of your calendar plan. 

6. Plot Your 30 Day Calendar (THIS IS YOUR ONLY REAL TASK)
Everything else is just supporting you to do this!

7. Final Check
How does your plan look? Is it reasonable? Do you need to uncommit to anything? 

Action Checklist

Here is an Checklist of the Action items for those that find the visual helpful
(PDF: full color & black/white version)

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Complete the form below to begin the conversation about options, availability, and costs. 

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